Spring 2025 Registrations Now Open

July Newletter

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Volleyball Signups Live

Don't delay, get signed up today!

ball-19301911920Volleyball signups are now live, please don't delay in signing up your child. They will close on 7/30 @ 10PM. I'm sure you have questions, please be sure to read the website for answers to most of the frequent questions and for information on how to signup. We are excited to see how this takes form and look forward to growing volleyball in the Batavia area.

Soccer Referee Classes

You must attend to referee in the fall.

ball-19301911920If you are interested in refereeing in CCSA and specifically for Batavia, you must attend the appropriate training class. There are two opportunities for each class offered. Please go visit our website calendar for times offered for your experience level (new -> experienced). Additionally please reach out to Clarence Klopfstein if you are needing information.

Player Profile

Anna Naylor

ball-19301911920Anna has played sports for BCRL for the past three years. She just completed her third year of softball, her second year of basketball, and holds a unique distinction of being our first ever official volleyball signup!! Anna's parents say they love watching her enthusiasm as she cheers on and supports her teams. They have enjoyed watching her develop skills and seeing her confidence grow. Anna says her favorite part of playing for BCRL is making her teammates happy.
Monthly Newsletter
In an effort to keep you informed we are going to start sending out a monthly newsletter. This should be the only email you get from BCRL each month as it should be pretty all inclusive. There will be times we send out a one off email, but the goal is to make this be the standard form of communication.

New website
New Website
BCRL launched a new website. We hope to grow this over time, but take a moment to check out the new site. An updated calendar and better designed information pages.

Coming Soon
July 18th - 19th
1st and 2nd Year Referee Class

July 22nd
Soccer Coach Meeting
3rd+ Referee Class

July 24th-27th
High School Soccer Camp

August 7th-11th
Jack Hermans Soccer Unlimited Camp

August 26th
Soccer Season Starts
About BCRL

BCRL provides baseball, softball, soccer, basketball and volleyball to the youth of Batavia, Ohio.

Contact Us

For sports specific information, visit the specific sports page for contact information.

  • 513-732-3868
  • board (@) bcrl.org
Our location

2487 Bauer Road, Batavia, Ohio 45103

Follow us

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